Saturday, June 11, 2016

Raspberries and Wine

It has been...a long long busy crazy long zany long (did I mention long?) week. Not a bad week, just a very full one, which is par for the course for me, but when I'm getting ready to go out of town and trying to wrap up stuff before I leave, I tend to notice the craziness more keenly. So while I was editing wedding photos this evening after getting home from a 3 month milestone session, I decided to have a glass of white wine, and on a whim, I tossed some fresh raspberries in there. It felt delightfully indulgent at the end of a hard day. 

At first half of my brain was like, "This is dumb...we bought the raspberries for smoothies and salads, why waste them in wine?" And then the other half of my brain went, "No, dammit. We work hard. If we want some damn raspberries in our wine while we go into hour 18 of working today, then dagnabit, we will HAVE our damn raspberries." And so we did. And it was deliciousness personified. 

Wedding photography is no easy thing, y'all, and the post-production process can be especially beastly. Awesome, but beastly. Sometimes you need the raspberries (and the wine) to get you through. So, cheers to the freakin' weekend. May you all have had a 'raspberries in your wine' moment of indulgence today, and if not today, have one tomorrow. You probably deserve it. (Also, ignore the dinosaurs. And the iPhone photo as opposed to the normal glorious "actual camera" photos I usually have on posts here. And the terrible composition of said iPhone photo. And the mess on my desk. And the Twilight Zone figs. And the effing gorgeous magenta Badgley Mischkas on my screen as I edit. Swoon. Talky Tina wants your shoes, Lenissi.)

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