Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy Winter Solstice!

Happy Midwinter to one and all! Today marks the shortest day of the year and represents the rebirth of the sun--from here on out, the days gradually begin to lengthen again as we make our way out of the darkest time of the year and back towards more sun, warmer weather, flowers, and springtime. (For those of you outside of the sunny state of Florida, it may feel like a bit longer until spring visits you again, of course.)

Early this morning we were treated to a celestial display of epic proportions; for the first time in 456 years, a full lunar eclipse coincided with the Solstice, and not only that, but while this was happening, the Ursid meteor shower was taking place, too. It was quite a show, and I of course had the camera in hand to capture some shots of the heavens as they worked their magic. I have heard from some friends and family in other parts of the country that cloudy, cold or snowy weather prevented them from seeing the eclipse and the shooting stars, so I'm sharing these images with you here now so that you can get a glimpse of the view from our rooftop in Florida, where our weather behaved splendidly and gave us a night that was a bit cold, but clear as a bell for a great view. Enjoy, and may this Midwinter find you warm, happy, healthy, and at peace. Here's to a season of growth, change, and wonderful opportunities; Merry Yule!

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